Jan 16, 2011

Let's speak Indonesian

Indonesian or some people say Bahasa Indonesia is the national language of the Republic of Indonesia. For foreigners who live in Indonesia or would like to visit here, may need to learn this language. Like I said before, I'll share how to speak Indonesia. Ok, now let's start in greetings and introduction.

Halo (Hello)
Hai (Hi)
Selamat pagi (Good morning)
Selamat siang/selamat sore (Good afternoon)
Selamat malam (Good evening)
Selamat tidur (Good night)
Selamat tinggal Good bye

"Selamat pagi" is appropiate from the time you wake up till 11 am.
"Selamat siang" is appropriate from about 11 pm till around 3 pm.
"Selamat sore" is appropriate from 3 pm till around 6 pm.
"Selamat malam" from then on.


Siapa namamu? (What is your name?)
nama saya Claire (My name is Claire)

Nama lengkapmu? (Your full name?)
Claire Redfield

Nama panggilanmu? (Your nickname?)
Panggil saja Claire (Just call me Claire)

Anda berasal dari mana? (Where do you come from?)
Saya berasal dari Australia (I come from Australia)

Di mana anda tinggal? (Where do you live?)
Saya tinggal di Brisbane (I live in Brisbane)

Apa pekerjaan anda? (What do you do?)
Saya seorang mahasiswa ( I'm a college student)

Berapa umur anda? (How old are you?)
Saya berumur 19 tahun (I'm 19 years old)

Anda tertarik dalam hal apa? ( What are you interested in?)
Saya tertarik pada motor (I'm interested in motorcycles)

Hobi anda apa? (What's your hobby?)
Hobi saya balapan motor (my hobby is motor racing)

OK, Let's continue next time .....Hopefully it can be usefull for everyone, thanks

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